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Remembering New Orleans

7th Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina.
Remembering Katrina

Michael Jackson

Musical Genius 1958-2009
Will Surely Be Missed.

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Where are the top 10 healthiest happiest nations in the world? The Happy Plane Index has the answers.
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New Orleans Today

4th Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina
on the 4th anniversary of Katrina videographer, Joe Cottenier and his son, along with Allen Kimble takes us back to where the levees broke and on a tour through the one of the most damaged neighborhoods in New Orleans.
New Orleans Today - Aug 30 Read the full story

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Happy New Year!

It’s 2010! Happy New Year Everyone!

At the beginning of last year I wrote that I got a very different vibe - "a vibe I didn’t readily recognize.. So I'm thinking it's gonna be a shake-things-up kind of year." That we shouldn't be disheartened because things get shaken up when change is happening. Needless to say, a lot of shaking up went on...

This year, for 2010, the vibe I got is that everything is going to be all right. We've gone through the metamorphosis and a lot of plans, needs and wishes are going to be fulfilled; even those some may consider to be most unlikely. So watch out. We are in for many-a-pleasant Surprises!

I’m also sending a huge, huge shout-out filled with love, happiness and good health to my family, friends, loved ones and the world for 2010 and the years to come.

Consciousness Has Risen!
Here are 12 Moments To A Happier New Year. This Year May We All:

1) Show a little kindness to a stranger - even if it’s just a ‘Hello’.
2) Give a helping hand to someone we typically wouldn’t - even if it’s just to cross the street.
3) Make a little sacrifice - even if it’s just to let someone step in front of us in the coffee line.
4) Be a little more just - even if it’s a refrain from undermining your coworkers, employees or associates.
5) Be a little more genuine - even if its to be truly happy for someone who has achieved something you would want yourself.
6) Be a little more tolerant - even if it’s to take a moment to really try and understand someone else’s views that differs from your own.
7) Be a little more empathetic - even if it’s to simply imagine, without derision, what it is to be in someone else shoes.
8) Make right a wrong - even if it’s just saying ‘I’m sorry’.
9) Be a little stronger - even if it’s just to speak up for someone you observe to be the recipient of discrimination, prejudice or unjust treatment.
10) Be a little wiser - even if it’s simply to pray for guidance in times of confusion.
11) Have a little more hope - even if it’s just to do one thing to make yours or any life a little better.
12) Be a little more loving - even if it’s just to have compassion for those less fortunate or suffering in other parts of the world, and to give someone you care about that extra hug.

As A Result May We All:

Strut a Little Lighter,
Breathe A Little Easier,
Smile a Little More,
Laugh even Heartier,
Be Thankful for the Little Things,
And Make Time to Be Truly Happy!


On Katrina's 4th anniversary, Joe Cotten and Allen Kimble takes us on a tour through the one of the most damaged neighborhoods in New Orleans..


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